Court rules for Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin

UPDATED: 4/7/16

The Diocese of San Joaquin announces that court rules for The Episcopal Church:

On Tuesday, 6 April, Bishop David Rice announced that the Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin and The Episcopal Church received a decision from the Fifth District Court of Appeal affirming the judgment issued by the Fresno Superior Court directing that approximately twenty-eight properties and various Diocesan funds shall be returned to the Diocese of San Joaquin. In an email, he noted that, “The Court of Appeal’s decision does not become final for another thirty days during which the Defendants may seek a re-hearing.”

Bishop David also stated “I am urging the Diocese to remain in a position of prayer for everyone involved as we continue to hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church.”

Statement from the Diocese

The ruling from the Court

UPDATE: From the Fresno Bee

In 2014, Judge Donald S. Black ruled in Fresno County Superior Court that the breakaway Anglican Diocese of San Joaquin led by Bishop John-David Schofield had no legal right to the properties that are worth tens of millions of dollars. …

The eight-year legal battle involves complex issues of freedom of religion and property rights. At stake are church properties from Bakersfield to Stockton, including St. James Cathedral at Cedar and Dakota avenues in central-east Fresno and the Episcopal Camp and Conference Center in Oakhurst.

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