Writing in the TimesRecordNews, Matt Ledesma offers comment that the property ruling in Ft. Worth, Texas could begin to heal the church divide and bring reconciliation:
Ruling could begin to heal church divide
Judge ordersgroup to giveup property
From the TimesRecordNews in Wichita Falls, Texas
A Tarrant County judge’s ruling could mean a return home for some local Episcopalians.
Owanah Anderson and Ann Coleman are both senior wardens with groups of Episcopalians who feel wrongly displaced. Anderson was a member at All Saints Episcopal on Southwest Parkway, and Coleman with Church of the Good Shepherd on Burnett Street.
A dispute within the church and the Fort Worth diocese has caused both to now worship at different buildings. But the ruling from the Judge John P. Chupp of the 141st District Court could signal a start to the reconciliation process and a return to the buildings they both said they’ve been a part of for many years.
“We are, of course, pleased with last week’s decisions,” said Coleman. “We hope it may hasten the day when our building at Burnett Street and Tenth will be returned to our use.”