Covenant response group named

Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori has appointed the group that will “draft the Church’s response to the first version of an Anglican covenant.” Episcopal Life Online reports:

The drafting group’s proposed response for the October Executive Council session is meant to meet the January 1 comment deadline “so that the voice of our Church will be heard in this process,” Ballentine [the group’s chair] said.

It is expected that a revised version of the covenant will be presented to the 2008 Lambeth Conference of Bishops, to be followed by a final text that would be proposed to the 2009 meeting of the ACC. If the ACC adopts the text, it would offer it to the provinces for consideration.

The members of the Covenant Response Drafting Group are:

Ballentine [Rosalie Simmonds Ballentine of the Diocese of the Virgin Islands, the group’s chair], Kim Byham (Newark), the Rev. Dr. Lee Alison Crawford (Vermont), the Rev. Dr. Ian T. Douglas (Massachusetts), Canon Victoria L. Garvey (Chicago), the Rev. Canon Mark Harris (Delaware), the Rev. Winnie S. Varghese (New York), Ted M. Yumoto (San Joaquin) and Belton T. Zeigler (Upper South Carolina).

Read it here.

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