Credit where it is due

From the Associated Press:

President Bush, reflecting on his time in office, said Wednesday that “one of the most uplifting” experiences of his nearly eight-year tenure has been witnessing the gains Africa has made in education and fighting hunger and disease.

Speaking at a charity dinner, Bush called the work done for Africa by his administration and family “a labor of love.” Before his remarks, he accepted the Bishop John T. Walker Distinguished Humanitarian Service Award, which pays tribute to leaders in humanitarian fields for Africa.

The dinner benefits Africare, a U.S.-based charity that aims to improve the quality of life in Africa by addressing needs in food security, agriculture, health and HIV/AIDS.

The story notes: “The dinner is in memory of Bishop John T. Walker, the first African-American Episcopal Bishop of Washington and the longtime chairman of Africare’s board.” The Diocese of Washington, which worked with the Bush administration to help secure grants from the President’s AIDS and malaria initiatives for the Church of Southern Africa and the Diocese of Mozambique respectively, recently founded a school in Bishop Walker’s honor.

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