Daily Report from the House of Bishops, March 11

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

– The bishops began their day with Morning Prayer and small group Bible study.

– Bishop Jim Curry of Connecticut, convener of Bishops Working for a Just World, spoke about the group which is a coalition of active and retired bishops gathered to support each other and other members of HOB to claim a public voice, leadership and advocacy for the church and the world. The Bishops meet for training, legislative processes, and trying to demystify the process. They work with the church’s Office of Government Relations. A “go to” group when legislation is at a critical point such as issues on the Farm Bill.

Bishop Charles Jenkins of Louisiana advocated contacting legislators. “They may not like to hear from us, but if we don’t, someone else will do it for us. It is not unexpected or unwelcome.”

The bishops were briefed by the staff of the church’s Office of Government Relations (OGR) on the MDGs, the Farm Bill and the Jubilee Act for Debt Consolidation. OGR’s Maureen Shea announced there are approximately 22,000 members of the Episcopal Policy Network. She presented questions for small group discussion: What are the public policy issues (local, national, and international) most important in your diocese? What obstacles do you face in being involved with public policy issues? What could the Office of Government Relations do to help you get past those obstacles?

John Johnson of OGR spoke of healthcare, and the millions who are uninsured “and don’t know it.” Healthcare could be an important issue in the next Congress, and for the HOB – what does the HOB want to say about healthcare?

John also reported that the climate change legislation – the Warner Lieberman Bill — is moving in the House “for the first time, ever.” A key benchmark in order to avoid the most catastrophic changes, he said, is that “our nation and other nations have to reduce carbon emissions 15-20 % by the year 2020.” The bill, he added, is headed for debate and “we endorse.”

– The bishops gathered for Eucharist at 11:45 am.

– Following lunch, the bishops heard a presentation on “Title IV: Of Accountability and Ecclesiastical Discipline: An Overview of Disciplinary Structures and Proceedings,” presented by members of the Title IV Task Force: Steve Hutchinson, Duncan Bayne and Bishop Dorsey Henderson of Upper South Carolina. They outlined the process and a theology for keeping the church safe.

The presenters stressed this plan was not final; rather they were seeking comments from the bishops on the draft.

– Linda Watt, Chief Executive Officer of the Church Center, presented an overview of the reorganization of the Church Center.

– Bishop Bruce Caldwell of Wyoming addressed Theological Education, calling the current times an opportunity. He said the Presiding Bishop appointed a steering committee to serve HOB in this area and to dialog with seminaries. Serving on the committee with Bruce Caldwell are Bishops: Neil Alexander of Atlanta, David Alvarez of Puerto Rico, Tom Briedenthal of Southern Ohio, Joseph Burnett of Nebraska, Tom Ely of Vermont, Bill Gregg of North Carolina, Todd Ousley of Eastern Michigan, John Rabb of Maryland, Carolyn Irish of Utah, Bud Shand of Easton, Pierre Whalon of Europe. The bishops’ input was invited to be shared later with seminary leaders.

– A comprehensive update on the Healthcare Coverage Feasibility Study was presented by members of the Church Pension Group: the Rev. Canon Pat Coller, Jim Morrison and Tom Vanover.

– Bishop Gary Lillibridge of West Texas reported on the Windsor Continuation Group, formed after the Advent Letter of the Archbishop of Canterbury. He and six members from other provinces of the Anglican Communion met for the first time last week in London. They will meet two more times prior to The Lambeth Conference. He said that one of the challenges is the status of the Windsor Report which is “understood differently in other parts of the Anglican Communion.” The committee will consult with as many as possible.

– Following Evening Prayer and dinner, the bishops will participate in a conversation about The Lambeth Conference.


The 2008 Spring Retreat of the House of Bishops of the Episcopal Church is being held from Friday, March 7 to Wednesday, March 12 at Camp Allen, in Texas.

Media briefers for Tuesday, March 11, 2008

– The Rt. Rev. J. Jon Bruno, Bishop of Los Angeles

– The Rt. Rev. Wendell N. Gibbs, Jr., Bishop of Michigan

Update: The ELO link to this report is now available.

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