“Daniel” has been cancelled

My thanks to Kat, who spotted this message from Jack Kenny on the NBC homepage.

Unfortunately, due to many reasons, “The Book of Daniel” will no longer be aired on NBC on Friday nights. I just wanted to say “thank you” to all of you who supported the show.

There were many wonderful, talented people who contributed to it’s success – and I do mean success. Whatever the outcome, I feel that I accomplished what I set out to do: A solid family drama, with lots of humor, that honestly explored the lives of the Webster family. Good, flawed people, who loved each other no matter what… and there was always a lot of “what”!

I remain proud of our product, proud of my association with Sony, NBC Universal, and NBC, who all took a chance on a project that spoke to them, and proud to have made an impact on so many of your lives.

Thanks for watching.


Jack Kenny

Creator, The Book of Daniel

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