Episcopal Life Online reports on the Daughters of the King meeting:
The Order of the Daughters of the King (DOK), a group dedicated to prayer and service, established a new Alpha Fund for Junior Daughters but rejected proposed bylaw changes and amendments during their July 1-5 triennial gathering.
Incoming national president Grace Sears, of the Episcopal Diocese of Lexington in Province IV, described the gathering, which traditionally has met prior to the General Convention to pray for the work and ministry of the church, as both frustrating and wonderful.
“It was frustrating. I would say we tried to make changes in one direction and another, and came back to where we were,” Sears said in a telephone interview July 6. “What we concluded is that we are not in a place where we are ready to make changes. The membership will stand pat, keep praying and wait on the Lord.”
Incoming Province VIII DOK President Christine Budzowski of the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles said “the proposed amendments to the bylaws served to polarize the order.”
The full text of the changes may be found on the DOK website here.
While some DOK members said the changes were an attempt at inclusiveness; others interpreted them as an effort to remove the order from the Episcopal Church (TEC), by those whose congregations have left TEC, referred to as “New Anglicans” in a January 5, 2009 informational document disseminated to the DOK.
Attempts to substitute amendments for the proposed changes also failed, Budzowski said. “It was pretty evenly split, and not among so-called Anglicans versus Episcopalians,” she said. “It just shows that what we do best is prayer.”