Amid mixed feelings about his leadership, the Very Rev. Robert Taylor resigned as dean of St. Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral in Seattle yesterday. The Seattle Post-Intelligencer’s blogstaff posted the story under the category “Seattle politics,” noting details such as a generous severance package and controversy over Taylor’s 9-year tenure in leadership at the cathedral, particularly in the past year:
The cathedral became a vortex for controversy just before Easter of 2007.
Citing budget problems, Taylor laid off two women priests as well as the director of one of the church’s programs. One of the priests, St. Mark’s director of faith formation, was preparing a class of converts to be received into the church at Easter Vigil.
The layoffs sparked controversy, especially at revelation that Taylor had received a substantial salary increase while he was under consideration to become Bishop of California.
Noting his “swan song” sermon of Palm Sunday, the PI blog also listed some of Taylor’s accomplishments with regard to social justice, particularly in leading the charge against homelessness.
And as Eastertide came round, Bishop Greg Rickel stepped up to help smooth the transition during Holy Week:
Recently installed Episcopal Bishop Greg Rickel, who has mediated ongoing internal disputes at St. Mark’s, filled in for the absent dean. Rickel presided as this year’s class of converts was welcomed into the St. Mark’s community.
“The man (Rickel) has made this church his cathedral in a manner not seen around here in 40 years: This man has been our pastor, and he loves us,” said Rev. John Huston, a retired priest who spent years on the staff at St. Mark’s.
After filling in for Taylor, and helping negotiate his departure, Bishop Rickel sent a letter to St. Mark’s parishoners “written with a heavy heart and an indescribable mix of emotions.”
Whole story here.