Most of the Café’s readers are probably very comfortable online. You know the difference between a web-forum, a list-serv and a Facebook group. But many in the Episcopal Church’s leadership don’t. Given the economics and the need we have to be evangelists, being a luddite isn’t really an option anymore.
So where can you find a quick-start guide that will help you enter into the new promised land? There are plenty of books to choose from, but without a working understanding of what is needed, most of us can’t make a good choice of which book to read, much less study.
Julie Anne Lytle, is a professor of Pastoral Theology and Educational Technologies at EDS in Cambridge and has responded to that need. She’s written a quick start guide that helps solve these sorts of problems and published it in Spring edition of Lifelong Faith. And Lifelong Faith, in a helpful gesture, has posted the article online in a PDF format for free download.
The article itself seems to be encrypted and won’t let us paste a taste, so there’s no way to give you a preview. And even though that’s rather ironic, it’s still worth downloading a copy and sharing it with someone you might know who’s looking for something like this.