Dio Penn elects a bishop diocesan


A Collect for the Bishop Search Process
Almighty and loving God,
We thank and praise you for the gift of your Church.
By your Holy Spirit, guide and empower us
As we discern the person called to be the
Faithful and gifted bishop
Who will lead us, celebrate our diversity,
And guide and equip our diocese for mission.
Help us to break down barriers which may divide us,
And shepherd us as we seek to serve you in this process.
All this we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord.

The Diocese of Pennsylvania has been gathered in special convention today, 12 MAR, in the Philadelphia Episcopal Cathedral to elect a new bishop diocesan. The Revd Canon Daniel G. P. Gutierrez has been elected. The Revd Gutierrez is currently Canon to the Ordinary in the Diocese of the Rio Grande, headquartered in Albuquerque New Mexico. He was elected on the 4th ballot with 133 clergy clergy votes and 100 votes from the laity. There are 194 possible clergy votes with 130 required to elect and 126 possible lay votes with 84 required to elect. The Revd Frank Allen, the other candidate on the 4th ballot then proposed a motion to elect Canon Gutierrez by acclamation, which was approved and following approval Canon Guttierez was elected by acclamation.

From his bio published on the election website;

The Rev. Canon Daniel G. P. Gutierrez, a priest of the Diocese of the Rio Grande, is canon to the ordinary, chief operating officer, and chief of staff for the diocese, which is based in Albuquerque, New Mexico. As part of his role in diocesan leadership, he also serves as executive director of the diocesan conference and retreat centers, and he oversees all aspects of ministry, human resources, budgeting, funds and investments, and capital campaigns within the diocese. He also serves the Episcopal Church through administrative and budgetary oversight of the Navajoland Area Mission and is vice president of the Episcopal Church in Navajoland Economic Development Corporation.

Before Gutierrez was named to his current position in 2011, he had an extensive career in public service — including serving as chief of staff to the mayor of Albuquerque and as director of the Bernalillo County Economic Development Department. He also was president of a strategy and media firm whose clients included state and local political leaders.

Gutierrez was ordained to the diaconate and the priesthood in 2008, both in the Diocese of the Rio Grande, and subsequently he served at the Cathedral Church of St. John and at St. Michael and All Angels Church in Albuquerque. After joining the diocesan staff, he was called to rebuild two struggling parishes, serving them as vicar and rector.

Gutierrez is a graduate of the University of New Mexico, where he earned bachelor’s degrees in history and political science in 1987 and a master of arts in public administration in 1992. In 2007, he earned a diocesan certificate in Anglican studies through the Trinity School for Ministry, and in 2011, he was awarded a master of theological studies degree from St. Norbert College.

Gutierrez has been married since 1991 to Suzanne Fletcher Gutierrez, and they have one son, Jude, a junior at The Bosque School, a college preparatory high school.

The main image is a screenshot from the video of Canon Daniel’s visit to the diocese as a candidate for bishop.

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