The Revd Canon Susan Russell is reporting on her personal blog, An Inch at a Time, that the Diocese of Texas, led by its bishop, the Rt Revd Andy Doyle, has voted in favor of removing Canon 43 from the diocesan canons. Canon 43 defined marriage as soley being between a man and a woman. The vote to remove Canon 43 was 499 delegates in favor and 144 delegates opposed.
The Revd Russell quotes from Bishop Doyle’s address to the convention;
In his address to the diocese, Bishop Doyle noted that Canon 43 “has not kept anyone dissatisfied with TEC from leaving” and “what it has done is keep talented clergy from other parts of the country from coming to the Diocese of Texas.” He also noted “this is not a vote for marriage or against marriage. This is a vote for mission.”
“Deep in the Heart of Texas” marriage equality has taken a giant step forward!
You may read Susan’s original blogpost at An Inch at a Time.
The photo of +Andy is from trinitychurchbaytown.org.