[Edited to reflect corrections coming from a delegate to Convention who commented below.]
Delegates to the Annual Convention of the Diocese of Virginia failed to pass a budget. The business of Convention was conducted online on Saturday. A call for a vote on the budget by orders was made but failed in both the lay and clergy orders.
From an email sent by the diocese late Saturday afternoon [now posted online]:
Delegates to Convention have several responsibilities including the election of leaders to governing bodies, passing a budget for the upcoming year, and voting on any resolutions that come before the Convention.
The Convention delegates considered a budget presented by the Executive Board which reflected cuts necessary to balance the budget anticipating receipts of approximately 15% less giving by parishes to the Diocese. The budget featured increased funding for the work of race and reconciliation but also numerous cuts in virtually all other areas due to anticipated reduced giving to the Diocese. Budget amendments were proposed to restore funding for campus ministries to be funded by a hardship waiver of giving to The Episcopal Church. After an extended discussion the Convention declined to approve the budget and thereby referred the budget back to the Executive Board.
The Convention failing to pass a budget, it is the Executive Board that makes the decision on the final budget. No further approval is required by Convention.
The diocese has paid its TEC assessment in full going back at least as far as the 1960s, without a waiver (PDF).
The budget (PDF) proposed cuts were in nearly every area of ministry. These included cuts in aid for mission churches among those Spanish-speaking and Korean-speaking congregations.
Just about everyone’s ox was gored.