Diocese of New York at Pride

Becky Garrison, writing at Killing the Buddha, posts news of the Episcopal Diocese of New York at NYC Pride:

On June 27, 2010, the Episcopal Diocese of New York put into practice their slogan “The Episcopal Church Welcomes You” by marching in the NYC Pride Parade. This move visibly demonstrated that despite the stances taken by the American Anglican Council, The Church of Uganda, and others within the Anglican Communion, they stand in solidarity with the LGBT community.

I reported on the God’s Politics blog my experiences marching in this parade with the Episcopal crew.

I quit after two years when I realized I was there to be the “hang-out-with-the-cool-Christian” person instead of someone actually immersing myself in the cause … I didn’t feel a call to march again until I became aware that the media has only begun to scratch the surface when it comes to the role of churches and faith-based organizations in the advancement of the anti-gay legislation in Uganda, a story that will continue to unfold in the months ahead. Then I decided I had to stand up and show solidarity with those who are oppressed simply because they are perceived as somehow “different” and are therefore categorized as “the other,” when in fact, we are all part of a shared humanity.

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