The dispute between the Diocese of Virginia and “separated CANA congregations” goes to trial next week. The diocese has made available various court filings of the diocese, the national church, the CANA congregations, and the Court.
Regarding the upcoming trial the diocese states,
Trial Regarding Virginia Division Statute (Va. Code § 57-9)
By agreement of the parties, the Court determined that it would first address issues related to the applicability and interpretation of the Virginia statute under which the congregations claim to be entitled to the property. The trial is scheduled for trial November 13-15, 19-21, 2007.
The diocese provides the briefs filed by the parties on the scope of the trial and the Court Ruling on the scope. The Court Order re Evidence is summarized thusly:
On Oct. 26 the Court ordered that the November 57-9 trial will not involve evidence on the title of the real and personal property at issue.
The documents are available at the diocesan website here.