Doing pre-convention meetings by webinar

The Diocese of Virginia holds its Annual Council (its name for Annual Convention) beginning tomorrow. Traditionally one or more pre-council meetings are held at locations around the diocese to discuss resolutions, amendments to Constitution and Canons, and the budget. For many it’s a long drive for a short meeting, and attendance suffers.

This year pre-council was held by webinar. Diocesan officers and members of the relevant committees gathered at the diocesan house. The webinar was facilitated by Emily Cherry, Communications Director of the diocese.

The webinar was also recorded and is available on YouTube for deputies to Annual Council and others who were unable to attend the pre-hearing.

In this participant’s assessment, attendance was up, I saved on time and gas, and I got to enjoy my own coffee from the comfort of my home. When I had a question I “raised my hand” and got to ask it. The interaction between committee members present at diocesan house and participants out on the web was natural.

As a kickoff to the Annual Council in Richmond deputies and other members of the diocese can participate in Episcopal Day of the Capitol.

For more about the design of Virginia’s 220th annual meeting click here.

Has your diocese done anything similar?

Posted by John B. Chilton

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