Drawing a (human) line for climate change awareness

In Stamford, Connecticut, residents concerned about climate change created a “Human tide line” and “walked along the perimeters of what city experts projected the tides would look like if the sea level around the park rose by 1 meter, or 3.28 feet” where the ocean’s tide may rise if we don’t lower our carbon emissions:

‘Human tide line’ forms for climate change awareness

In the Stamford (CT) Advocate online

The man-made line contained dozens of people — young and old, men and women — and snaked through Cove Island Park amid beach-goers, cyclists and joggers. The members of the line held hands or signs as they walked through the park.

They were part of what Stamford resident Monica Maye called a “human tide line.” And if Maye gets what she wants, there will be no need to hold the event 10 years from now.

“We have fewer than 10 years to lower our emissions to get a handle on climate change,” Maye said. “I hope we don’t have to have these events in 10 years. After that, it will be a moot point.”

Cindy Stravers, 54, an Episcopal priest at St. Paul’s on the Green in Norwalk, said she walked in the event to support Maye, adding that her faith and concern for the environment are intertwined.

“I feel the Earth has been given to us to care for,” Stravers said. “As people of faith, we have a responsibility to be participants in doing what we can to keep further destruction from happening.”

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