The national college football championship between the Oregon Ducks and the Ohio State Buckeyes offers an opportunity to the Bishops of Oregon and Ohio to challenge each other to a win-win scenario. The bishops encourage Episcopalians to donate to Episcopal Relief and Development so that no matter which team prevails – the world wins. Duck and Buck fans from all over are invited to join in.
Bishop Michael Hanley of Oregon:
In addition to the ERD challenge, Bishop Hanley is planning to send an Oregon gift basket to Bishop Breidenthal in consolation for the anticipated Ohio State loss. If there are any churches that would like to contribute items to the basket, please let the diocesan office know by Monday, January 12. Also, Bishop Hanley will be sending a Marcus Mariota jersey that Bishop Breidenthal must wear while his entire staff sings the Oregon fight song for a video (a phone video will be fine). This video must be posted their Facebook page.
Bishop Nedi Rivera of Eastern Oregon:
Are you a big Ducks fan? Well now is your chance to “put your money where your mouth is”. Bishop Nedi and Bishop Hanley (Diocese of Oregon) along with the bishops of Southern Ohio are issuing a challenge to their dioceses to see who can raise the most donations for Episcopal Relief and Development. EDEO may be small, but we are mighty, as The Rev. Jed Holdorph, Trinity Bend would say “Let’s Do this Thing!” REMEMBER TO NOTE YOU ARE FROM EDEO WHEN YOU JOIN THE CHALLENGE!!
A Win-Win Challenge benefitting Episcopal Relief & Development
With The Ohio State University Buckeyes and the University of Oregon Ducks meeting in the first NCAA National Championship football game, the bishops of Ohio and Oregon are challenging their dioceses to see who can raise the most donations for Episcopal Relief & Development.
Donations of any amount are welcome. The team that collects the largest number of individual donations by game time on Monday, January 12, will be declared the winner.
Since ducks love water, if the ducks of Oregon win, all the donations will go for clean water initiatives. But if the crazy poisonous tree nuts of Ohio win, the donations will go to tree planting initiatives. In the end, the real winners will be our brothers and sisters who benefit from Episcopal Relief & Development’s excellent Gifts for Life campaign. It’s a win-win!
For some extra fun, in addition to the ERD challenge, Bishop Breidenthal has extended the following challenge to the staff of the Diocese of Oregon: If Ohio State wins the football game, Bishop Hanley must wear his new Ohio State jersey (which we have already sent, along with a commemorative Ohio State gift basket), and the rest of his staff must wear Scarlet and Grey for one entire day. As proof, the Diocese of Oregon staff must then take a picture in the iconic “O-H-I-O” pose and post it on their Facebook page.
In return, the Diocese of Oregon has similarly challenged our staff. Oregon will be sending us a lovely gift basket as well, along with a Marcus Mariota Oregon jersey. If Oregon wins the football game, Bishop Breidenthal must wear the jersey and, along with the whole staff, must sing the Oregon fight song and post a video of this to our Facebook page.
Oh yeah, IT’S ON!
The Diocese of Southern Ohio has invited us to join their challenge with the Dioceses of Oregon & Eastern Oregon in connection with the first NCAA National Championship football game between The Ohio State University Buckeyes & the University of Oregon Ducks.
The goal is to see which state’s dioceses can raise the greater number of donations for Episcopal Relief & Development. Donations of any amount are welcome and count. The state that collects the larger number of individual donations by game time on Monday, January 12, 2015, will be the winner.
For details and the opportunity to participate, click here ( to make your donation (online or pledge to send a check).
posted by Ann Fontaine (Quack, Quack)