Editorial from Bishop of Maine on the dangers of despair

The Rt. Rev. Stephen T. Lane, Bishop of the Diocese of Maine, has written an editorial for the Portland Press Herald. In it, he talks about he power of communities to combat the despair that can feel overwhelming at times. Our nation is struggling, with a declining life expectancy for the first time in recorded history. Many people, especially younger generations, face deep financial hardship. The community bonds which can help in times of hardship have dissipated. However, some still find community in church, and it is imperative, says Bishop Lane, for us to reach out to those in need. “It’s time now for communities of faith and all people of good will to reach out to our neighbors with renewed conviction; to offer aid, yes, but more importantly, to offer hope – to say to our neighbors that they matter, that we care what happens to them, that we will walk with them as they work to keep body and soul together and build a life worth living.” Read the full article here.


image: Bishop Lane at his consecration with former Presiding Bishop, Katharine Jefferts Schori.  photo by John Patriquin, Bangor Daily News

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