Election Day: a civic sacrament

The Rev. Alexander “Sandy” Webb, rector of the Church of the Holy Communion in Memphis, has written a column about Election Day for the Memphis Commercial-Appeal. Here’s an excerpt:

The history of the Church trends towards inclusivity. Over the centuries, the Church has expanded its view of the role of Gentiles, women, racial minorities, non-heterosexual people, and many more historically marginalized and disenfranchised people. We have drawn our circle ever wider.

The history of the American electorate follows the same trajectory: Over the centuries, we have righted some of the exclusions originally included in our Constitution. In 1868, we abolished disenfranchisement based on birthplace. In 1870, we extended voting rights to all men no matter their race, color, or previous condition of servitude; in 1920 to women. In 1964, we abolished poll taxes, which excluded the poor, and in 1971, we lowered the voting age to eighteen. Though the debates were vigorous, we have come to recognize and honor the equality of all God’s children.

Inclusivity is inherently linked to diversity. I do not believe that the Lord Jesus Christ endorses candidates, nor do I believe that he has a position on any individual ballot question. That said, I do believe that our Lord has a position on how we care for the least among us, for the world God made for us, and for the people with whom we share that world

Read it all to learn about the liturgy of American elections, his friend who is a bishop in Myanmar and who he voted for.

Do you agree with his views on church history and American history?

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