Episcopal Bishop of Utah calls congregations to prayer this weekend.

The Rt. Rev. Carolyn Tanner Irish, bishop of the Diocese of Utah, has issued a statement calling the Episcopal congregations of her diocese to prayer this weekend in support of families dealing with tragedy of the Crandall Canyon Mine accidents:

“Our Episcopal communities across the state feel deeply connected with those families mourning this latest great loss. The courageous men who attempted the rescue of the six trapped miners did so on behalf of all who have followed this painful story over the past two weeks, and we honor them. Our Diocesan staff and congregations continue to pray for healing and hope for those who survive and those who comfort them. We pray as well for those making decisions in the coming days and for all who work to promote greater safety measures in mines and all other work places.

I am asking all of our congregations to use this prayer during worship in the coming days:


O God our times are in your hands. Look mercifully on those who mourn the loss of their loved ones in Crandall Canyon, those miners who remain trapped there, and those who care for the injured. Let your Holy Spirit abide within and among them, reminding us all of our call to care for all God’s people. We give thanks for all who risk their own comfort and safety for the sake of others and all whose work puts them in harm’s way. Keep us mindful of our responsibilities to press for increased safety measures in their work places. We pray in the name of the one whose very name is Mercy.


Read the rest.

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