Alleluia! Congratulations to Margaret Lee and the Episcopal Diocese of Quincy!
QUINCY: Diocese ordains its first woman priest
The Rev. Margaret Lee on Oct. 16 became the first woman to be ordained a priest in the 133-year history of the Peoria, Illinois-based Episcopal Diocese of Quincy.
Lee has served for 14 years as a deacon in the Quad Cities, where she currently serves the congregation at All Saints Church in Moline.
Almost 200 people attended her ordination during an 11:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul in Peoria.
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In November 2008, a majority of the diocesan synod voted to leave the Episcopal Church and to realign with the Anglican Province of the Southern Cone citing theological differences. The diocese has since reorganized and about 20 clergy have remained canonically resident since the realignment.