Episcopal plates

The Diocese of Delaware is driving off into a new evangelism field…

For $15, Delaware residents can get a vanity Episcopal license plate.


Elizabeth Kaeton includes a picture of her car and writes that one should then be ready to talk with strangers:

I love the interest shown by neighbors and random folks in the parking lot at the grocery store – or post office or retail outlet or gas station – who ask questions. Which is the point, right? I’ve only had the license plate since Saturday and already I’m finding myself in conversations with people about my church and my faith….

If you like the idea of talking to total strangers about The Episcopal Church or issues of your faith, then I hope you’ll agree with me that this is a wonderful idea and a great opportunity.

However, if you don’t like the idea of talking to total strangers about The Episcopal Church or issues of your faith, then, as we used to say in North Jersey, “Fuggeddaboutit”.

Just don’t complain to me about evangelism and how we need it desperately and no one is doing it and the church is “hemorrhaging members” and will soon die.

Of course, you don’t need a license plate to do evangelism, but I can tell you from personal experience that it’s a great conversation starter. I also love thinking about the conversations some people have in their car as they follow behind me on the road and see my license plate.

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