Episcopal Policy Initiatives

The Episcopal Public Policy Network, an official part of the Episcopal Church can only participate in initiatives that have clear sponsorship by the General Convention or Executive Council. So far, in the years following the most recent General Convention, this work has focused on native american initiatives, climate change, immigration, and economic parity.

But according to a recent communication from the network, their work right now is tracking the following particular areas this spring:

  • Indian Health Care Improvement Act Amendments of 2007 — S. 1200 — The first update of critical Indian Health Care in 16 years passed the Senate 83-10 in February and is awaiting consideration by the House. We will let you know when the time is right to contact your Representatives.
  • America’s Climate Security Act — S. 2191 — This bill has still not made it to a vote in the Senate, but all the attention on Earth Day and on global warming should help move it. See the Presiding Bishop’s letter of support here.
  • SAVE Act — H.R. 4088 — This is the punitive immigration legislation whose House sponsors are working to bring it to a vote without due process and consideration. They need 212 signatures on their petition and currently have 186 — if you haven’t sent a message to your representative, you can still take action here.
  • Jubilee Act — H.R. 2634 — This debt relief bill passed the House by a strong vote of 285-132 and now awaits consideration by the Senate. We will let you know when the time is right to contact your Senator.
  • The GROWTH Act — H.R.2965, S.2069 — This legislation to promote economic opportunities for women in developing countries is awaiting action in committees in both the House and the Senate.

If you’re interested in more information about these initiatives or would like to get involved, you can find more information about the EPPN’s work here.

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