Episcopal Schools

The school Daniel wants to build figures prominently tonight. This is interesting because the relationship between parishes and the schools they sponsor is sometimes difficult. The school can become the tail that wags the dog of the church, if only because parents’ ties to the school their kids attend every day is often closer than the majority of congregants relationship to the church they attend once a week.

Something else I want to explore: if you are sitting in a a wealthy parish in the burbs is the best use of your money gospelwise a school to educate kids who probably come from local families that are well off? I don’t mean to put too much edge on that. I have a child in an Episcopal school in a wealthy burb, and thanks be to God for the place. I adore it. But it isn’t a parish school. It is self-supporting. Anyway, I am conflicted about the parish school thing and wonder what others think.

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