Episcopalians at the March for Science

On Saturday, people all across the country (including in Fairbanks, AK!) took to the streets to voice their support for science and protest the current administration’s plans to gut the EPA and National Parks Service, among other things. Episcopalians joined the throng honoring “this fragile earth, our island home.”

Susan Forsburg, a cell biologist, and her wife, Lisa Churchill, head verger of St Paul’s Cathedral in San Diego at the march on Saturday. The turnout in San Diego was estimated to be over 15,000.

The Episcopal Church is committed to fighting climate change; the fifth Mark of Mission is, “to strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth.” Most recently, General Convention in 2015 voted to make money available to help parishes and diocese become more sustainable and ecologically sound. The resolution established the Advisory Council on the Stewardship of Creation to oversee this process. The Episcopal Church is somewhat unusual in its refusal to see science and Christianity as incompatible, but rather as pieces of the great puzzle that makes up our world.

“Somewhere something incredible is waiting to be known.” -Carl Sagan
Image courtesy of Susan Forsburg

However, Other faith groups supported the March, including the Catholic Climate Covenant. Rev. Dr. Ellen Clark-King, Executive Pastor and Canon for Social Justice at Grace Cathedral in San Francisco said she hopes that churches’ presence at the March will show the science community that “we are on the same side.”

Members of Trinity Cathedral in Cleveland marching on Saturday
Image courtesy of their Twitter account
“We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children”
Image courtesy of Susan Forsburg

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