Episcopalians in Brazil celebrate 30 years of women’s ordination.

2015 marks 30 years of women ordained to the priesthood in the Anglican Episcopal Church of Brazil (Igreja Episcopal Anglicana do Brasil.) To celebrate the Brazilian church will hold the National Ordained Women’s Meeting at the Retreat House of Bethany village in Porto Alegre, Brazil with the theme Woman, Source of Strength and Faith. The theme is derived from 2 Tim 4:17, But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed… (NIV) The dates of the retreat are 5 – 7 JUN 2015. The closing service of the Women’s Meeting will be held on 7 MAY in the National Cathedral in Porto Alegre. Attending the service will be Reverendisimo Francisco de Assis da Silva, Primate of Brazil and special invited guest, the Most Reverend Katharine Jefferts Schori, Primate of The Episcopal Church. The Women’s Meeting has been planned by la Revda Carmen Etel Alves Gomes (Southern Diocese), la Revda Leane Rachel Kurtz de Almeida (Southern Diocese), la Revda Lilian Conceição da Silva Person Lira (Anglican Diocese of Recife) and la Revda Marinez Rosa dos Santos Bassotto (Southern Diocese).

The first ordination will be remembered throughout the Brazilian church this coming Sunday 3 MAY 2015. This Sunday is the closest Sunday to the anniversary’s date.

This information was garnered from this article in Portugese on the Anglican News website.

photo from the IEAB

posted by David Allen

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