Ethics and religion talk on legalizing prostitution

Rabbi David Krishef, in his “Ethics and Religion Talk” in Michigan Live, had three clergy panelists make arguments either for or against legalizing prostitution.

Here was the argument (against) made by The Rev. Nurya Love Parish, an associate priest, St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church:

“Prostitution is illegal in Michigan, and it should remain illegal. It’s critical to realize that prostitution rarely occurs because a well-resourced person makes a free and well-reasoned decision. Rather, people who become prostitutes often find themselves in situations where they feel they have few if any other options for basic survival. In many instances, prostitutes have survived childhood sexual abuse. Their life experience has taught them to associate sexuality with control, manipulation, and disrespect rather than love, mutuality, and commitment. In many cases, prostitutes are victims of human trafficking and dependent on someone who profits from their trade: a classic form of abuse. God does not desire the abuse of God’s creation – He cherishes all that He has made. As a society, we cannot condone prostitution, which correlates with a rise in human trafficking and other crimes against humanity. European countries which once legalized prostitution are now reconsidering that decision.”

One of the other panelists argued for “legalized prostitution, in a highly regulated and limited way”, and the third argued against.

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