Evangelical Lutheran Church in America releases letter on SCOTUS marriage ruling

From a release posted late yesterday afternoon:

The Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton, presiding bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), offered a pastoral letter June 30 to the 3.8 million members of the denomination in response to the recent Supreme Court ruling that same-sex couples may now exercise the right to marry.

The ELCA is leaving decisions on both same-gender and heterosexual marriage to individual congregations in discernment with their pastors: “This decision affects each of us, some profoundly, and we are not of one mind.”

As Lutheran Christians, we continue to be a church that engages in conversation and discernment in all aspects of our faith and life. Creating space for respectful conversation and dialogue continues to be an important part of our life together. A helpful resource for engaging in difficult conversations is “Talking Together as Christians about Tough Social Issues.”

In addition, the ELCA Ministry to and with Same-Gender Couples and their Families Working Group remains in the process of completing its work. A report of the group’s findings and possible recommendations will be presented to the ELCA Church Council at its November meeting.

Posted by Cara Ellen Modisett

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