Evangelicals warm to environmentalists

The Washington Post this morning has this page A01 story on the growing interest evangelicals are taking in the environment. An excerpt:

Denise Kirsop donned a white plastic moon suit and began sorting through the trash produced by Northland Church.

She and several fellow parishioners picked apart the garbage to analyze exactly how much and what kind of waste their megachurch produces, looking for ways to reduce the congregation’s contribution to global warming.

“I prayed about it, and God really revealed to me that I had a passion about creation,” said Kirsop, who has since traded in her family’s sport-utility vehicle for a hybrid Toyota Prius to help cut her greenhouse gas emissions. “Anything that draws me closer to God — and this does — increases my faith and helps my work for God.”

Her conversion to environmentalism is the result of a years-long international campaign by British bishops and leaders of major U.S. environmental groups to bridge a long-standing divide between global-warming activists and American evangelicals.

Those British bishops are Anglican bishops.

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