Executive Council meeting wraps up

The Executive Council of the Episcopal Church’s General Convention ended its four day meeting in Michigan on Sunday. The Executive Council took a number of actions during its meeting, including a slight rebuke to the House of Bishops taking an action beyond its authority, agreeing to commit the Episcopal Church to remaining in the Anglican Covenant process and agreeing to fund the re-organization process for the Church Center that a task force had proposed.

“As it concluded its three-day fall meeting at the Hyatt Regency hotel in Dearborn, Michigan, the Executive Council of the Episcopal Church thanked the House of Bishops for its efforts that resulted in a statement to the Anglican Communion issued in September.

However, Council Resolution NAC026 said that where the bishops’ statement called ‘particular attention to the application of [General Convention] Resolution B033 to lesbian and gay persons, it may inappropriately suggest that an additional qualification for the episcopacy has been imposed beyond those contained in the constitution and canons of the church.’

Resolution B033, passed by General Convention in June 2006, calls upon diocesan standing committees and bishops with jurisdiction ‘to exercise restraint by not consenting to the consecration of any candidate to the episcopate whose manner of life presents a challenge to the wider church and will lead to further strains on communion.'”

Read the rest here.

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