From The Letters of Rosa Luxemburg:
“Did you know, Hanschen, that during the autumn migrations to the south large birds, like cranes, often carry a great many little birds, like larks, swallows, golden-crested wrens, etc., on their backs? This is no child’s fairy tale, but rather a scientifically observable fact. And the little ones twitter briskly and converse with each other on their ‘omnibus-seat!’ … Do you know that on such autumn migrations sparrow hawks, falcons, kites and other birds of prey often crowd together with little warblers whom they otherwise feed upon? On such flights, a kind of God’s truce, a general cease-fire, rules. When I read something like this, I am so thrilled, so full of joie de vivre, that even Breslau turns into a place where people can live. I don’t know why it should affect me in this way. Perhaps, it reminds me that life really is a beautiful fairy tale. In the beginning here, I almost forgot. Now, however, it comes back to me. I will not give in. Write soon. Affectionately, Your R.”