Faith is integral to human nature

A new study coordinated in Oxford is showing strong evidence that to be human is to believe in there is more to this existence that we can directly perceive. Or, put another way, human’s are hard-wired to believe in the divine.

“The co-director of the project, Professor Roger Trigg, from the University of Oxford, said the research showed that religion was ‘not just something for a peculiar few to do on Sundays instead of playing golf’.

‘We have gathered a body of evidence that suggests that religion is a common fact of human nature across different societies,’ he said.

‘This suggests that attempts to suppress religion are likely to be short-lived as human thought seems to be rooted to religious concepts, such as the existence of supernatural agents or gods, and the possibility of an afterlife or pre-life.’”

Read the full article here.

Sounds sort of similar to the recent studies done on the evolutionary advantages conferred on species due to altruistic behavior doesn’t it?

And as one person suggests online, this means we don’t have to fear that faith will somehow whither away.

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