On this Ash Wednesday, are you not yet sure just how you will observe a holy Lent? As you sip the day’s first cup of coffee (dang, I was going to give that up!) check out the Fast-Pray-Give Lenten calendar at bustedhalo.com to guide you through the season (and put you in the running to win an Apple iPad mini, honest to God.) From the Web site:
Traditionally, Lent was a time for personal conversion leading up to Easter, during which Christians practiced the spiritual disciplines of fasting, praying and almsgiving to strip away all that is unnecessary and become more mindful of their ultimate dependence on God. Let’s recapture the true meaning of Lent in ways that are actually relevant to your life. Each day throughout Lent, starting on Ash Wednesday, the calendar’s link for that day will become active, revealing a Daily Jolt for spiritual contemplation relating to Lent, and new and practical ideas for fasting, prayer and almsgiving.
Today’s calendar entry features inspiration from the movie “Life of Pi,” and these suggestions:
FAST by eating only one full meal today (other times you eat/snack should be smaller), and remember, no meat!
PRAY that your desires take a backseat to what God desires for you.
GIVE help to anyone you see today who appears to be in need.