Feedback and Commentary
As regular Web travelers know, freedom of expression and Christian charity are sometimes in conflict in the blogosphere. At Episcopal Café, we hope to establish an ethic of transparency by requiring all contributors and commentators to make submissions under their real names.*
To post a comment:
Set up your account. To ensure that you’re ALWAYS authorized to post to the Cafe, include your real name in your registration, either under ‘display name’ or ‘membername’. Even though Typekey says it will not publish your real name unless you choose to, the Episcopal Cafe’s Ethic of Transparency requires that you use your real name in order to have your comments published on the site. You may wish to register an id specifically for interacting with the Cafe if you have a ‘handle’ you use elsewhere.
The first few times you post, it may take a while for your comment to show up. Never fear! We keep an eye out and have to hand-approve people their first time round. But if you start commenting regularly, you’ll get a status that will allow your comments to appear instantly.
When you go to post a note or comment on the Cafe blogs, you’ll be told to “login” first. Clicking the login link will take you to a typekey page where you enter your newly registered name and password.
General comments and suggestions about the Café can be e-mailed to the editors. To comment on a specific entry, please register first. The Café doesn’t have a global registration feature, so it is necessary to register with each of the four blogs that accept comments: the Art Blog, Daily Episcopalian, The Lead and Speaking to the Soul.
Our rules are fairly straightforward: No ad hominem attacks. No hate speech. Please refrain from baiting other posters with deliberately inflammatory remarks. We won’t permit potentially libelous statements. (You may know that the terrible things you are saying about Mr. X are true, but we don’t, and we don’t have time to verify your assertions.)
We ask commentators to be mindful that a blog is public space. If you are engaged in an argument, consider the nature of your rhetoric. Would your language and tone be appropriate in a classroom? Would it draw uncomfortable glances on a bus? Would it get you tossed out of a bar? If you answered no to the first question and yes to the last two, we probably won’t publish your comment.
Remember, too, that part of our purpose here is to interest people in exploring the Episcopal Church. We don’t expect all of those who comment here to advance that effort, but we request that they not impede it.
Finally, we suggest that these perceptive, satirical rules from the imaginatively-named Drink-Soaked Trots, be read, marked and inwardly digested (as we Episcopalians say) by one and all.
* In special circumstances, pseudonyms might be allowed at the discretion of the editorial board. To make your case, e-mail us.