Female clergy in Church of England speak out

Via Thinking Anglicans comes a statement from female clergy in the Church of England regarding regarding the consecration of women as bishops. Here’s a key paragraph from the statement:

We believe that it should be possible for women to be consecrated as bishops, but not at any price. The price of legal “safeguards” for those opposed is simply too high, diminishing not just the women concerned, but the catholicity, integrity and mission of the episcopate and of the Church as a whole. We cannot countenance any proposal that would, once again, enshrine and formalise discrimination against women in legislation. With great regret, we would be prepared to wait longer, rather than see further damage done to the Church of England by passing discriminatory laws.

Read it all here.

Update – Also via Thinking Anglicans comes the Australian protocol, a key sentence of which is “Accordingly, we encourage all dioceses who desire to appoint or elect women as bishops to make provision for reasonable and appropriate episcopal ministry, addressing matters including the following.” Considere, also, “We encourage Metropolitans, when planning consecration services, to consider that for some it will be important that three of the consecrating bishops are men, and we also pledge to act with respect for one another in the ordering of services of consecration.”

The pdf of the Australian protocal is here.

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