Here are fifty can’t-fail ways to bring in all those millennials who are just itching to come to your parish!
Guthrie Graves-Fitzsimmons explains it all for you:
Mainline Protestant churches continue to hemorrhage members faster than cable companies lose cord-cutters. How can local churches stem the tide? Before you put these surefire quick fixes into motion, be sure to open the floodgates because here come the millennials!
- Post-worship coffee hour
- Move Sunday worship from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., allowing time for brunch
- Rebrand church with a modern logo
- Tone down all the Jesus-talk
- Commit to biannual website updates
- Remove all crosses from sanctuary
- Hold a churchwide conference on church growth
- Preach shorter sermons
- Sell naming rights for various Sundays during ordinary time to local businesses
- Serve coffee before and after Sunday worship
- Hold Bible study in the local pub
- Serve fair-trade coffee
- Keep the church’s finances afloat by selling “air rights” to luxury condo developers
- Ask your pastor to get highly noticeable tattoos
- “Relax” marketing campaign targeting busy single mothers
- Raffle away iPads
Read the rest here.
What are your favorites? What would sure-fire approach would you add to the list?