Five phrases not to say

Reluctant Xian says that there are five things that Christians should never say. This is not like George Carlin’s classic comedy routine, through, because these never get bleeped.

Sometimes I curse. I don’t pepper my language liberally with curse words like people might pepper a house salad, but sometimes I curse.

It surprises people to hear that pastors sometimes curse. But really, that’s all I can do sometimes. When you see terrible tragedy where you have absolutely no response other than sadness and despair, cursing happens…because you can do nothing else.

Likewise, sometimes when I see utter beauty a word will slip through my lips, brought from the very depths of my emotional being where words live only to be used in situations where no word seems appropriate. Usually that’s a curse, too.

Pastors sometimes curse. Christians sometimes curse.

And, really, I hear things slip from Christian mouths with reckless abandon that I believe are far worse than curse words. Here are just 5 (there are undoubtedly more):

Here are the Five Things:

5) “That’s not Christian…”

4) “I love the sinner but I hate the sin..”

3) “You need to surround yourself with some good Christian people…“

2) “You just have to do God’s will…”

1) “It’s all in God’s plan…”

I would add one I used to hear all the time in the hospital, especially after a death: “Well, God wanted her/him more than you/we did.”

What phrases would you add to the list?

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