For those who remain

Bonnie Anderson, the President of the House of Deputies (a body of the General Convention), has issued a statement today after a long consultation with her Council of Advice. Part of her statement concerned the care of Episcopalians in dioceses that are attempting to affiliate with different Provinces of the Anglican Communion.

In her statement she said:

“‘I have learned during my travels throughout our church that there are Episcopalians in every one of those disaffected dioceses who need our prayers and our support,’ Anderson said in her statement. ‘I was very moved by the conversations I have had this year with such Episcopalians in the dioceses of Fort Worth, Pittsburgh and San Joaquin.’

We also considered how the church can best create the safest space possible for the largest number of Episcopalians to remain in our church and continue to use their gifts to further God’s mission in our world.”

There were no details in her statement about what this support might look like.

The remainder of the statement spoke to the details of the organization of the next General Convention which will meet in the summer of 2009.

Her full statement can be found here.

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