Former president of Common Cause named St. George’s School investigator

The Boston Globe reports:

Former Massachusetts attorney general Scott Harshbarger was named Monday to oversee a new investigation of the embattled St. George’s School, which has been mired in a sex abuse scandal dating to the 1970s. Harshbarger, 74, was appointed after a daylong meeting between representatives of the victims and the board of trustees of the Middletown, R.I., prep school.

Since December, accounts of sexual abuse at St. George’s have mushroomed, with more than 40 alumni saying they were abused at the school, mostly in the 1970s and 1980s. Both the school and the victims’ attorneys say there were at least nine staff or student perpetrators.

Added – St. George’s victims continue to call for headmaster’s resignation – NBC 10 News

In letters and emails provided to NBC 10 News by the victims’ attorneys, as well as in the school’s own report, it’s clear Peterson knew about the allegations for years.

But Rhode Island State Police said they weren’t notified of any allegations until November 1. That’s seemingly a violation of the state’s mandatory reporting law.

“Why did it take until November 1? They knew about [Al] Gibbs in 1988. They knew about [Al] Gibbs in 2011, 2012, and they didn’t do anything. Mr. Peterson sat in this office – where we are right now,” said the alleged victim’s lawyer Eric Macleish.

[Alleged victim Anne Scott] provided NBC 10 with an email in which Peterson fails to release her from a 25-year-old gag order.

Peterson wrote that (sic) was comfortable with Scott speaking to her “…friends, family members, [and] therapists…”

Scott said Peterson relented months later, but only after her lawyer threatened to file a federal motion.

Follow the tag St George’s School for more coverage by The Episcopal Café.

Photo: “Scott Harshbarger2” by Rappaport Center. Licensed under CC BY 2.0 via Commons.

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