Friday Night Lights IV

It is only fitting that a blog that was brought into existence by one doomed TV show should champion the cause of another possibly doomed offering from NBC. But believe me, Friday Night Lights is a much better show than The Book of Daniel (except for that one stellar Daniel episode when they flashed back to the death of one of their children.)

Even Tom Shales, television critic of The Washington Post, a man who is not free with praise, speaks well of it:

“Friday Night Lights” has plenty of realism — as well as passion, soul and heart at levels rare in episodic TV.”

Like regular commenter Widening Gyre, Shales thinks that the show may be misplaced at 8 p. m. on Tuesdays. (That’s tonight: hint, hint.) “Even so,” he writes, “and whatever it takes, a place just has to be found for ‘Friday Night Lights’ on the prime-time schedule. It has already won a place in many a serious viewer’s heart.

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