Simon Sarmiento, speaking at a conference in Northern Wales, has an excellent review of the events that have led up to the present situation in the Anglican Communion. The conference is call the “Rebuilding Communion Course” and is being covered by Walking with Integrity, Integrity USA’s official blog.
From “Walking with Integrity”:
“About 25 people gathered yesterday afternoon at St Deiniol’s Library in Northern Wales for the start of the Rebuilding Communion Course. Several authors are presenting draft papers during the conference and listening to the responses of participants. The final papers will be published in book form around May 1 by Monad Press.
Peter Francis, Warden of St. Deiniol’s, welcomed participants. He said the library was founded by William Gladstone–who was prime minister of Great Britain four times during the late 19th century, to house his extensive private collection. Peter noted that Gladstone became ever more socially progressive throughout his lifetime and no doubt would approve of his library hosting a conference on lesbian and gay issues within the Anglican Communion.
The first paper, ‘Lambeth from 1998 to 2008,’ was presented by Simon Sarmiento–editor of the Thinking Anglicans blog.”
Read the rest here and take the chance to review as well.