Full text of women bishops’ legislation posted

Yesterday we linked to Ruth Gledhill’s report on the imminent release of the draft legislation that will allow the Church of England to open their episcopate to their women priests. Today the full report has been posted.

Given Ruth’s report there aren’t too many surprises in the full text. There is one small discrepancy; Ruth reported that for a parish to request alternative episcopal oversight, the parish council would have to vote by 2/3rds majority (which means that it won’t be something controlled by the incumbent.) That provision doesn’t seem to be in the posted text.

Thinking Anglicans’ has links to the text plus earlier revisions here.

Thinking Anglicans’ report has elicited a comment by Lambeth Conference non-attender and traditionalist Diocese of London bishop Peter Broadbent pointing out what he perceives to be the failings of the proposed legislation and that it is still open to amendment.

WATCH (Women and the Church) have issued a statement about the legislation that is posted on Thinking Anglicans.

Addendum, Sunday: Thinking Anglicans has a roundup of press reports.

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