Galvanized by gun violence, the Episcopal Church responds

The Episcopal Church is making news for its efforts to reduce gun violence.

Last night more than 1,000 people in the Diocese of Chicago braved the cold to participate in CROSSwalk, a prayerful four-mile procession through the streets of the city from St. James Episcopal Cathedral to Stroger Hospital where so many of the victims of gun violence go to be saved or to die. CROSSwalk is both a lamentation and a call to action.

Bishop Jeff Lee urged participants to become “agents of Easter,” and told the crowd that when it came to gun violence, perhaps they were “the answer to God’s prayer.”

Fox News filed this report and CBS News filed this one. There was a lively Twitter stream at #crosswalk2

Twenty-three Episcopal bishops will lead hundreds of Episcopalians in the Stations of the Cross as they walk along Pennsylvania Avenue from the White House to Capitol Hill on Monday. The service begins at 10:30 a. m. at St. John’s Church at 16th and H Streets, NW. The service, organized by the bishops of Connecticut and the bishop of Washington in the aftermath of the Newtown massacre, is billed as a “challenge to a culture of violence, especially gun violence.”

The Hartford Courant and MSNBC’s Jansing and Co. are both on the story.

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