Gay Clark Jennings has announced her candidacy for President, House of Deputies on Facebook.
I am standing for election as President of the House of Deputies of The Episcopal Church. Please join me on this page so we can exchange ideas about building collaborative and networked partnerships for the work that God is calling us to do.
The Episcopal Cafe will be happy to post the announcement of any other candidacies.
Added: Gay Jennings announces candidacy for House of Deputies president (ENS)
Jennings, 61, lives in Sagamore Hills, Ohio, and has been the associate director of CREDO Institute Inc. for the past nine years. CREDO provides an array of conferences and post-conference resources that help eligible Church Pension Fund participants examine, evaluate, and re-energize their health and wellness.
Prior to joining CREDO, Jennings served as canon to the ordinary in the Diocese of Ohio for 17 years. She was ordained deacon in 1978 and priest in 1979, and served parishes in Virginia and Ohio early in her ministry. Jennings stood for election as bishop of the Diocese of Virginia in early 2007 when current Bishop Shannon Johnston was chosen.
Jennings chaired Executive Council’s Governance and Administration for Mission committee during the final three years of her term on council. As part of its work, the committee took the lead in revising the council’s bylaws and the personnel policy handbook for employees of the DFMS.
She is also the clergy member of the Episcopal Church’s delegation to the Anglican Consultative Council, which next meets this fall in Auckland, New Zealand.