We linked earlier in the day to the Rev. Gay Clark Jennings’ opening remarks to the Executive Council of the Episcopal Church at her first meeting as President of the House of Deputies. But her Top Ten list of healthy working habits for members of the council is getting some social media play, and we decided it merited its own item.
10. We’re here to serve the church, not the other way around.
9. Be kind. If you wouldn’t say it face-to-face, don’t post it on social media.
8. No whining. We are each enormously privileged to be able to serve in this way.
7. No triangles. Bishop Katharine and I have already promised this to each other. If you’re unhappy with me, come to me about it. I promise I’ll do the same for you.
6. Be leaders. The Church has elected us to serve as leaders.
5. Bring your whole and authentic self to serving on Executive Council. As Oscar Wilde said, “Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.”
4. Get to know the staff and work with them. They are enormously gifted and want to offer their passion and expertise for the good of the Church.
3. If you don’t understand something, ask a question. If something isn’t clear to you, it’s a sure bet someone else doesn’t get it either.
2. Remember that we and the people we serve are the beloved children of God – made in His image, redeemed by His Son, and strengthened by the Holy Spirit.
1. And finally, start as you mean to go on.