The calendar is taking shape. The Social and Urban Affairs Committee will have an open hearing on Resolution B012 on Wednesday, 2 to 4 p. m. That resolution requests permission for the bishops in states that permit same-sex marraige to adapt Prayer Books rites for use with same sex couples.
On Thursday, 2 p. m. to 4 p. m., the Prayer Book and Liturgy Committee will hold an open hearing on a cluster of resolutions dealing with same sex blessings and same sex marriage.
Not long after that meeting adjourns the House of Deputies will convene, and likely approve a motion to go into a committee of the whole to consider a response to Resolution B033, the so-called “manner of life resolution.” Later that evening, the World Mission Committee will hold an open hearing on the 16 or more resolutions that deal with B033.
The following morning the House will likely go back into session as a committee of the whole to offer the World Mission Commitee some final guidance.
Oh yeah, and in the middle of all of that, the Most Rev. Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, will speak at a forum on the global economic crisis and offer a Bible study during Thursday morning’s Eucharist.
So, unlike some previous conventions, this one is off to a quick start.