Global South Primates’ Communique? Maybe not.

A followup to the alleged Global South Primates Communiqué as reported at The Lead — it seems that not all the primates present at the Global South Conference are aware of the primates communiqué (as distinguised from the conference communique).

An interesting comment at Thinking Anglicans noted by Roger Mortimer:

… posted by Terry Brown, bishop of Malaita, Soloman Islands, to a Thinking Anglicans thread:

“I have asked the Archbishop of Melanesia (who was present at Bangkok) about this “Global South Primates’ Communiqué” and he says he knows nothing about it. He says TEC, same-sex blessings and the Anglican Church of Canada were not even on the agenda or discussed; that the main focus was on mission and resource sharing issues and that in this respect the conference was very good. He says the only statement the Primates signed was a letter to the Crown Appointments Commission asking them to appoint an ABC who could hold the Communion together. Therefore, this “Global South Primates’ Communiqué” is a totally specious document, not discussed or agreed upon by the Primates but put together afterwards by a small group of people (some Primates and their US advisors possibly?) and put on the Global South webpage without the consent of the Primates whose names are attached to it. Notice that those names are only attached as “present” at the meeting and not as agreeing to or signing on to what was written above their names. Most of them do not realize such a statement has been sent out. A similar sort of thing happened after one of the earlier Global South Primates meetings when Primates’ names were added without their permission.”

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