Green wave keeps on rolling

Anyone who keeps a Google alert for the words “Episcopal Church” knows that more and more congregations are affirming the environmental gospel of the Rev. Sally Bingham and Interfaith Power and Light. The most recent converts come from Cobb County, Georgia.

Episcopal Church of the Annunciation in Northeast Cobb has already benefited by saving energy and money in their buildings. A dynamic nonprofit – Georgia Interfaith Power & Light – has funding to help other congregations of every religion analyze their energy use and give grants to make the improvements.

The church’s previous lights burned 200 watts per light. The new LED lights that have been installed burn only 12 watts per light. The church went from approximately 2400 watts to only 156 watts, according to Episcopal Church of the Annunciation Reverend Paul McCabe….

Thanks to GIPL’s innovative statewide program called Power Wise, $600,000 is available to run and fund the project. No other nonprofit in the country offers congregations of every faith this innovative way to reduce their energy use.

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