Harry Potter and the Church

Since your news-team here at the Episcopal Cafe felt left out not being able to find a connection between the iPhone and the Episcopal Church a few weeks ago, we were very relieved to find this article on the Times website which allows us to have something about Harry Potter up on our site today just like everyone else…

“To coincide with the publication of J K Rowling’s final book about the boy wizard on Saturday, the Church of England is publishing a guide showing how to evangelise using the stories from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Evangelicals have been critical of the Harry Potter books and films on the ground that they glamourize the occult and attract children to the idea of witchcraft. Sensitivity to this issue led Canterbury Cathedral to reject a request to become a location for the first film, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. But in recent years, the Harry Potter phenomenon has received backing from church figures, including the former Archbishop of Canterbury Dr George Carey, who described the film as ‘great fun’ and a serious examination of good and evil.

Designed for use by youth groups, the guide, ‘Mixing it up with Harry Potter, 12 Sessions on Faith for 9-13s’ is written by 24-year old youth worker Owen Smith, who has also written one based on the Simpsons cartoon series. Scenes from the books are used to illustrate how Christian children may be called to stand out, like Harry, from their peers.

The Bishop of Oxford, the Rt Rev John Pritchard, today described Harry Potter author JK Rowling as a ‘great storyteller’. ‘Although the fictional world of Harry Potter is very different from our own,’ he said, ‘Harry and his friends face struggles and dilemmas that are familiar to us all. Jesus used storytelling to engage and challenge his listeners.’ The Bishop said the Harry Potter books made young people think about the choices they make and their place in the world.”

There have been similar programs in diocese of the Episcopal Church, the Diocese of Bethlehem in particular.

There’s an article that discusses the relationship and possible conflicts between the Potter-universe and the religious world view over on the Washington Post today as well.

Read the rest here: Use Harry Potter to spread Christianity says Church -Times Online

(NB: Your humble reporter has read the articles linked above and can report that there are no spoilers that need to be avoided. The Cafe wouldn’t do anything like that. Unlike the New York Times… no spoilers at link.)

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