House of Bishops to hear oversight plan

The Lead reported last week on proposals by some conservative bishops for alternative oversight. Now The Living Church updates the story with news that it has been referred to the House of Bishops March meeting for further discussion.

The plan builds upon the “Episcopal Visitor” concept announced last fall by Bishop Jefferts Schori, according to the Rt. Rev. John W. Howe, Bishop of Central Florida, who was one of the group that met with the Presiding Bishop. The existence of the plan was reported Feb. 22 by the British Telegraph newspaper. Bishop Howe subsequently released a summary of the plan and a partial correction of the Telegraph article. The actual plan has not been released.

“Our purpose in meeting with Bishop Jefferts Schori yesterday was to apprize her of this plan, seek her counsel, and assure her that we remain committed to working within the constitution and canons of The Episcopal Church, and that the primates involved in this discussion are not involved in ‘border crossing,’ nor would we be,” Bishop Howe wrote. “We will visit no congregation without the diocesan bishop’s invitation and permission.”

Discussion of the plan will be included on the agenda for the spring House of Bishops’ meeting, according to Neva Rae Fox, public affairs officer for Episcopal Life Media.

It will be interesting to hear the reaction of the House of Bishops which has been very cool to dismissive of these sorts of ideas especially if they involve bishops from other Provinces.

Read the article here.

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